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Configuration file syntax

By default the file is expected to be named artefacts.yaml


version Optional The artefacts yaml format specification version.

project The name of the associated project. Used for result tracking and authentication

jobs A mapping of job names to Job definitions, see Job


Each Job has the following properties

type Defaults to test

timeout Optional Time before the job gets marked as timed out

runtime Contains runtime properties, see Runtime

scenarios One job can contain multiple scenario, usually a test suite linked to a particular environment, see Scenario definition

Scenarios definition

defaults Contains default scenario settings common to all scenario unless overwritten by a scenario.

scenarios Contains a list of Scenario, see Scenario


Only for Artefacts Cloud Simulation

custom Can be used to customize the default build flow of any given project. See Packaging for Cloud Simulation for details

docker Can be used to provide a dockerfile for artefacts to use when building the test environment. See Packaging with Docker for details


Used to prepare and hook into the test environment

framework Software framework. Supported values: ros1:noetic, ros2:humble, ros2:galactic, null

simulator Simulation engine. Supported values: turtlesim, gazebo:fortress, gazebo:11

Note: In many cases, the artefacts CLI will still be compatible with a framework / simulator not listed above when running locally. However, when running in artefacts cloud simulation, you must provide a package block, and either a set of custom commands, or a dockerfile.

pre_launch Optional (and currently only implemented for framework: ros1:noetic) bash command to be executed before launching each test. Use it to perform any setup that needs to be completed before the simulator and tests are launched. Note: if an absolute path to a script is needed, the environment variable USER_REPO_PATH will point to the root of your repository. Example pre_launch command: source $USER_REPO_PATH/simulator/scripts/sim_setup.bash

params: Optional (and currently only implemented for framework: ros1:noetic) List of parameters that will be dumped to a .yaml file (/tmp/runtime_params.yaml). At runtime, this file can be read by user scripts, such as those specified in the pre_launch key. Example use case: parametrize the simulator setup script.


name Name of the scenario

output_dirs Optional List of paths where the Artefacts client will look for artifacts to upload to the Dashboard. Supported types include .html files (can be created with plotly, they will be rendered as interactive figures) and videos (we recommend h264/mp4 for cross-platform compatibility).

launch_arguments Optional ROS only. Dictionary of arguments name: value pairs to pass to the launch file. Typically used to configure execution behavior, like whether to run headless or not, whether to record rosbags...

params List of parameters to set for the scenario. For each parameter a list of values or a single value can be specified. Scenario variants will automatically be run for each of the parameters combination (grid strategy). All test results will be uploaded in the same Dashboard entry. - For the ROS1 framework, parameter names must be forward slash delimited strings (e.g test/nested_ns/param1). Each forward slash will correspond to a nested namespace. They will be dumped into a yaml file (/tmp/scenario_params.yaml) and loaded at runtime during the test to the ROS1 rosparam server. They can be used to control the behavior of nodes. - For the ROS2 framework, parameter names must follow the convention node_name/parameter_name (delimited by a single forward slash). They will be formatted into a yaml file (/tmp/scenario_params.yaml) and loaded at runtime during the test (reference). They can be used to control the behavior of nodes. - For the 'other' framework, parameter names will be dumped into a .yaml file (/tmp/scenario_params.yaml), dumped into a .json file (/tmp/scenario_params.json) and set as environment variables (make sure that parameter names are only letters, numbers and underscores).

metrics Optional To specify test metrics. Accepts a json file: the key-values pairs will be used as metric_name/metric_value. ROS projects can alternatively accept a list of topic, the latest values on the topics during a run will be the logged value.

Framework specific scenario properties

  • For framework: ros1:noetic and framework: ros2:*:

ros_testpackage Name of the ROS package that holds the test files. (not implemented yet for ROS2)

ros_testfile For ROS1: Name of the XML launch file within ros_testpackage/launch that specifies the user tech stack (collection of arbitrary ROS nodes) + test node containing the logic for the tests (rostest compatible). The extension must be .launch or .test. For ROS2: Path to the launch_test file

rosbag_postprocess Optional, currently only implemented for ROS1 Name of the script within ros_testpackage/src that specifies any additional computation to be performed after the test is finished. The extension is usually .py. This script must take two arguments: --bag_path, the rosbag created during the test, and --out_folder, the path to save all outputs created by the script. Then Artefact will upload every file in this folder to the Dashboard. Supported file formats are the same as the ones for output_dirs. Additionally, if the rosbag_postprocess script outputs a metrics.json file with key/values pairs, they will be also be rendered as a table in the Dashboard.

subscriptions Optional, currently only implemented for ROS1 Key / value pairs that map ROS topics of interest. For now, these are only used when specifying topics with rosbag_record: subscriptions

rosbag_record Optional, currently only implemented for ROS1 Defaults to none. If none, turns off rosbag recording. If all then all ROS topics will be recorded. If subscriptions then only the topics of interest defined in the subscriptions key / value pairs above will be recorded. If a list of strings is passed, it will be interpreted as a list of topics to record, with regex supported

  • For framework: null:

run Command string used to start tests (executed via, shell=True))